Interface - Project Submission Plateform

This site is the project submission platform for Interface, UNIL's Funding for collaborative research.

All projects must be submitted here. No project will be evaluated by e-mail, or in any other Word or PDF format. You must first create an account, then gradually fill in the form. You can do this continuously, or fill it in as you go along. The data you enter on the form will be saved automatically.

To help you develop your project, a number of resources are available on the Interface website:

  • Interface regulations, setting out the framework and requirements for obtaining funding
  • The framework conditions for Interface funding
  • The Vademecum, outlining the main questions to ask when drawing up your project, and in particular how to build collaboration between academic and field partners.
  • The Word form to help you prepare your project submission (for the Rolling Call)


Once submitted, your project will be reviewed by Interface's selection committee, which meets every 6 weeks. To enable the scientific and strategic experts to assess your project properly, it must be submitted at least 2 weeks before the committee meeting. If necessary, it will be submitted for the next meeting.

Submit a new application